
On the Evolution of Yellowed Leaves Rate of Spring Wheat and Its Simulative Model

  • 摘要: 黄叶率的变化直接反映出光合器官——叶片的消长与功能,是作物生长模拟的重要环节之一。本文以田间试验(1985—1988年)为基础,分析了春小麦黄叶率的演变过程,确立了其与作物自身发育过程的函数关系,并进一步探讨了环境温度和水分条件影响绿叶变黄过程的模拟和订正,建立了模拟黄叶率动态演变的集成模式。试验表明,该模式的模拟效果是令人满意的。


    Abstract: The variation of yellowed leaves rate of spring wheat is one of the important keys in simulative model of crop growth. It directly affects the growth and function of photosynthetic organ—green leaves. Based on the field experiments (1985—1988), the evolution of yellowed leaves rate of spring wheat is analysed. The function relationship between yellowing process of green leaves and growth stages of spring wheat itself is established. Furthermore, modeling and correcting for green leaves yellowing process affected by temperature and moisture status are discussed. Finally, the synthetic model for simulating the dynamic evolution of yellowed leaves rate is constructed, and the numerical experiments show that the modeling effect of the model is satisfactory


