The Stratus Cloud Droplet Number/Size Distributions and Spectral Parameters Calculation
摘要: 本文对飞机实测的层状云云滴尺度谱用不同谱分布公式进行拟合试验表明:用伽玛分布n(D)=ADαe-λD拟合实测云滴谱较好。并提出用实测云滴谱特征直径比值求取谱分布参数α的方法,求出α后,按lnn(D) –αlnD=lnA–λD线性回归,求出其它谱参数A、λ。此法比矩法更简便、精确。Abstract: The numerical experiments on stratus cloud droplet number/size distributions show that the Gamma function (n (D)=Ade-λD) can be well fitted into the measured spectra. The method of calculating distribution parameters is proposed, and it is simpler and more accurate than the moment method