
The Relation of Surface Heating Fields over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau to the East Asian Circulation and the Early Summer Drought in Northwest of China

  • 摘要: 利用青藏高原60个站25年地-气温差资料计算的高原地面加热场强度,经EOF进行分解,选用载荷量最大的玉树和日喀则作为代表站,计算了1958—1987年两站地面加热场强度的历年各月平均距平指标,用以代表青藏高原地面加热场强度。本文根据此指标对青藏高原地面加热场强度自身的演变规律及其与东亚环流、西北初夏旱的关系,从天气气候学的角度作了统计分析,结论可用于西北初夏旱的长期预报。


    Abstract: Using the earth–atmosphere temperature difference data set of 60 observation stations over the Qinghai–Xizang Plateau for 25 years, the strength of the Plateau surface heating fields is calculated. Maximum load values derived from EOF are selected from Yushu and Rikaze stations, which are used to roughly represent the characteristics of the whole Plateau. Mouthly mean departure indices of surface heating strength for the two stations over the years of 1958—1987 are calculated. According to the indices, the evolution of surface heating field and its relation to the East Asian circulation and Northwest early summer drought are estimated statistically. The conclusion can be used for a long–range weather forecasting of the early summer drought in northwest of China.


