An Automatic Objective Operational System for Forecasting Heavy Rain in Hunan
摘要: 本文介绍了湖南暴雨预报自动化业务系统,建立了1979—1986年共8年的数据库,用数据库资料对系统进行了逐月测试,测试结果历史拟合率为86%,预报暴雨成功率62%。1987年和1988年6月暴雨预报的准确率为59%。Abstract: An automatic objective operational system for forecasting the heavy rain in Hunan is introduced in this paper. A data bank of eight years from 1979 to 1986 is established. Using the data set the system is tested month by month during the periods. The results show that the historical fitting rate is 86%, the correct rate of forecasting heavy rain is 62% and 59% for June of 1987—1988