
The Oscillation of Tropical Height Field and El Nino Events

  • 摘要: 本文使用美国国家气候资料中心1946—1978年月平均海温值和美国世界月气候资料1964—1984年月气压高度值,分析研究热带高度场的长期振荡特征及其与厄尔尼诺的关系,发现南美洲、北美洲、北非洲、太平洋等热带地区的850—30 hPa月气压高度值存在准三年振荡。厄尔尼诺现象出现后1—3个月,500—30 hPa热带月气压高度距平值从负值变为正值,反厄尔尼诺现象出现后1—2个月,热带500—30 hPa月气压高度距平值从正值变为负值。全球热带气压高度场变化最敏感的地区是塔希堤站。


    Abstract: The monthly SST data from the National Climate Data Center (U. S. A) during the 33 years periods of 1946—1978 and the monthly geopotential height data set from Monthly Climatic Data for the World (U. S. A) during the 21 years periods of 1964—1984 are utilized in this paper. It is found that the tropical monthly geopotential height values form 850 through 30 hPa in both South and North America and North Africa, as well as over the pacific Ocean appear the quasi-triennial oscillation and that one to three months after the El Nino events, tropical monthly isobaric height departures from 500 through 30 hPa change from negative to positive values, on the contrary, one to two months after the El Nino, from positive to negative values. The most sensitive region of the global tropical isobaric height field is at Tahiti station


