
The Climate Features of Spectral Elements of 500 hPa Height in the Southern Hemisphere

  • 摘要: 本文利用南半球500hPa多年(1972年5月至1987年12月)逐月高度场资料,在地转近似条件下,计算了500hPa高度场的各谱物理量,包括月平均环流场、纬向动能谱、经向动能谱、扰动角动量输送以及扰动动能向平均动能转换率。分析了它们的气候特征,发现谱物理量前3波的分布基本上决定了其总体分布,优势域的位置和强度随季节的变化较显著。


    Abstract: In this paper, the various spectral elements of 500 hPa height in the Southern Hemisphere are calculated using the 500 hPa grid point height from May 1972 to December 1987, including the monthly mean circulation, zonal kinetic spectrum, meridional kinetic spectrum, transport of the disturbance angular momentum, and the conversion rate from eddy kinetic energy to mean kinetic energy, under the condition of geostrophic approximation. The climate features of the spectral element are analysed, and it is found that the distribution of the first three waves (n=1, 2, 3) gives the fundamental feature of the general distribution, and the location and intentisy of the extreme spots are related to the season.


