
A Case Study of the Aerosol Characteristics in the Lower Troposphere During a Dust Storm Event

  • 摘要: 根据对一次在阿拉善沙漠及其附近地区发生的沙尘暴天气下大气沙尘粒子的飞机观测资料,分析了3600 m以下各层的沙尘含量、粒子谱、云凝结核浓度;讨论了该次沙暴天气下沙尘垂直输送的原因及向下游传输的可能范围和不同距离处的相对沉沙量。


    Abstract: Using the data observed by an instrumented aircraft during a dust storm originated from the western part of Inner Mongolia of China on 10 June 1983, the particle spectra, dust content and the CCN concentration are analysed. Some problems with the vertical and horizontal transports of the dust particles are also discussed based on the spatial distribution characteristics.


