
A Regional Satellite Atmosphere Sounding Data Operational Processing System

  • 摘要: 本文简要介绍目前卫星区域大气探测资料业务处理系统的软件结构、算法和生成的产品。将系统处理结果与常规观测值作比较分析的结果表明:大气温度反演平均均方根误差为2.45 ℃,水汽混合比平均均方根误差为1.47 g/kg,层平均厚度误差为21.4位势米,臭氧总含量均方根误差约为10%(Dobson),长波辐射通量均方根误差约为1.7 W/m2。


    Abstract: It is a brief introduction of the construction, algorithm and products of a regional satellite atmosphere sounding data operational processing system. Comparisons of retrieved products with conventional data show that the root mean square error (RMSE) of the temperature retrievals is about 2.45℃, the RMSE for the water vapor ratio is about 1.47 g/kg, about 21.4 geopotential meters for the layer mean thickness, the accuracy of the total ozone amount is about 10% compared to values derived from Dobson measurements. The RMSE of long-wave radiative flux is about 1.7 W/m2


