
The Vorticity Entrophy of Barotropic Large Scale Motion

  • 摘要: 本文在引入涡度熵概念的基础上,在绝热和无摩擦作用的情况下,对正压大气中大尺度运动的涡度熵的产生进行了讨论。指出β效应,辐散效应和地形作用是产生涡度熵的因子,而且我们还用涡度熵的概念对大气中偶极子阻塞的形成过程进行了解释,加深了我们对偶极子阻塞形成过程的理解。


    Abstract: In this paper, on he basis of introducing the concept ‘vorticity entrophy’, the production of vorticity entrophy in the barotropic large scale mothion under the inviscid and adiabatic conditions was discussed. It is indicated that the beta effect, topographic effect and the divergence of motion might cause the production of vorticity entrophy. Moreover, the vorticity entrophy was applied to describe the formation process of dipole blocking in the atmosphere. Therefore, it can improve our understanding of the formation process.


