
A Study of Rational Distribution of the Evaporation Networks in the Sichuan Basin

  • 摘要: 本文采用四川盆地36个台站1980—1984年的逐日蒸发量资料,从统计各季代表月逐日蒸发量的相关函数着手,推算出相对内插标准误差与相关函数的统计关系,并根据内插标准误差不大于观测随机误差的原则,估算出该地区蒸发站网的合理间距。


    Abstract: The daily evaporation data of 36 stations in the Sichuan basin form 1980 to 1984 are used in this paper. By calculation the correlation functions (only dependent on the distance between two points) of the evaporation data for four months which represent four seasons respectively, the statistical relationship between the relative interpolation standard errors and the correlation functions is concluded. Also, according to the rule that the relative interpolation standard error is not larger than the observational random error, the rational distance between the evaporation networks in this area can be estimated.


