
An Analysis of Extremely Strong Rainstorm Occurred by the Tropical Cloud Cluster in Eastern Zhejiang

  • 摘要: 本文分析1988年7月29—30日浙东一次特大暴雨过程。暴雨区最大雨量达533mm(18小时)。产生暴雨的系统是一个从海上西移的热带中尺度对流云团。该云团发生在副高南侧深厚的热带东风带中,通过低空南、北两个东风扰动和高低空东风扰动相互作用而发展。然后,以离散传播方式传播到陆上。受地面辐合线的触发陆上对流发展,对流降水造成空气的冷却,冷空气与热带东风带的相互作用使云团得以维持。


    Abstract: In this paper an extremely strong rainstorm process on 29—30 July 1988 in eastern Zhejiang is analysed. The maximum precipitation is 533 mm. It was occurred by the mesoscale convection cloud cluster, which was developed by the interactions between the easterly disturbances in the two sides of subtropical high in the lower troposphere, and between the easterly disturbances in the lower and higher troposphere. The cloud cluster was maintained by the interaction between the cold air caused by the convection precipitation and the tropical easterly system


