
A Calculation Formula of the Terminal Velocity of Water Drops in the Atmosphere

  • 摘要: 本文从理论上推导了流体介质中球体降速υ随其半径r的变化形式υ=α。其中a、b为简化运动方程时引进的二个待定常数,由大气中水滴降速的实测资料确定,其值为a=0.53563、b=1.37358。由此式计算的最大相对误差为24%。比较了这一半理论公式与他人经验公式各自的特点。推荐了三组形如υ=A之新的统计公式,它们分别将r=0~2900μm分为三、四、五段,对应的计算最大相对误差分别为11%、7%、4%。


    Abstract: In this paper, for the terminal velocity v of a spheric water drop (with a radius r) falling in the fluid medium, an analytical solution is theoretically derived. The constants a and b in the formula are determined by the experimental velocity data of water drops in the atmosphere: a =0.53563, b=1.37358 with a maximum relative calculating error of 24%. This semi=theoretical formula is compared with the other empirical formulas. Three new statistical formulas in the form of are recommended. They divided r (0~2900μm) into 3,4 and 5 ranges with a maximum relative error of 11%, 7% and 4%, respectively


