
Experimental Modeling for the Impact of Local Air Pollution by the Effluent

  • 摘要: 本文给出了一项在南京大学NJU环境风洞中实施的实验模拟研究。试验模拟一座位于城市街区的排放塔的废气排放,通过流场测量,放烟显示和示踪气体扩散试验,分析气流分布与污染物浓度分布,得出对局地环境影响的一些结论。文中还以模拟扩散试验资料为实验基础,建立修正的扩散模式,探讨污染物浓度预测的可靠途径。研究结果表明,风洞流体模拟手段是有成效且实用的。


    Abstract: An experimental modeling study executed in NJU meteorological wind tunnel was described in this paper. Atmospheric pollution affected by the wast gas from a tower located at downtown of a big city has been simulated. By means of measuring the flow field and flow visualization and dispersion test by releasing the tracer, some conclusions concerning the impact of atmospheric pollution on the local environment have been obtained. Based on the experimental data of the dispersion test, a modificative dispersion model has developed in order to explore the actual approach to predict the air pollutant concentration and its distributions. The results show that fluid modeling in wind tunnel is effective and practical method


