
The Features of the Subtropical Monsoon Circulation Cell and Its Relationship with Summer Circulation over East-Asia

  • 摘要: 本文利用ECMWF的2.5°×2.5°网格资料对1980—1983年夏季节12次西太平洋副高的中期进退过程进行合成分析。通过对合成场的诊断,论证了夏季东亚季风区存在着在大陆雨带中上升,副热带地区下沉的副热带季风环流圈。它是大陆季风雨带凝结加热驱动的上升辐散气流在向南运行过程中与南海ITCZ上空向北运行的上升辐散气流在副热带地区汇合下沉而构成的热力环流圈。这一环流圈的存在在东亚夏季环流中起着重要作用。


    Abstract: In this paper, using the daily grid data of the ECMWF/WMO, we made the composite analysis on 12 mediumrange variation processes of the subtropical high over the western Pacific in summer during 1980—1983. It is found that there is the subtropical monsoon circulation cell over East-Asia. We also discussed its features. The results show that the subtropical monsoon circulation cell is formed through the following process: when one divergent updraft driven by the condensation heating of the continental monsoon rain belt in East-Asia was moving southward, it met another one moving northward from Nanhai sea, and then these two currents has a confluence, and formed a downdraft over the subtropical area. And, it plays an important role in summer circulation over East-Asia


