
A Study of the Numerical Classification of the Climates in China

  • 摘要: 本文利用中国432个气象站的30年整编资料,运用数值方法对中国气候进行了区划,并与以往的中国气候区划进行了对比,发现两者结果基本上是一致的。数值气候区划方法具有客观定量之优点,又因引进了相似度的概念,使得不同气候型之间可以进行定量比较。


    Abstract: A numerical classification of climates in China is conducted using meteorological data of 30 years at 432 stations. The results are similar to those obtained before with the traditional methods. Thus it is feasible to apply the numerical method to climatic classification in China. In addition, the numerical classification expressed in numerals is objective and quantitative, and thus it is convenient to treat the meteorological data with computers in climate classification. The concept of similarity is also used to compare quantitatively among different climatic types.


