
The Role of Meridional Cell in the Response of Atmosphere to the SSTA Forcing

  • 摘要: 本文建立了一个包括经向Hadley环流作用的简单半谱模式并从1982年欧洲中心的客观分析资料中得到全球纬向平均场。经一系列数值实验发现,当SSTA处于赤道地区时,由它强迫产生的波动可以同时向南北半球传播。但若考虑经向Hadley环流(υ)的作用,波传播的空间位相和振幅就有比较明显的变化,并更接近于实际大气环流异常情况。当非绝热加热源位于偏离赤道的南北半球时,实验结果表明,如果不考虑Hadley环流,南北半球的非绝热加热很难在另一半球产生强的大气响应;考虑了Hadley环流后,则非绝热加热产生的波动可向另一半球传播。数值实验结果还表明,夏季当非绝热加热源的位置改变时,大气对其改变的响应不明显,而冬季大气对非绝热加热源的纬向位置的响应却非常敏感。


    Abstract: A simple model is developed including the effect of the meriodional cell. The global zonal mean fields are calculated from the data of EWMFC of 1982. A series of numerical experiments show that when the SSTA forcing locates at equatorial regions, the waves from the SSTA diabatic forcing can propagate towards both hemispheres. But when we consider the effect of Hadley cell, the characteristics of wave propagation have obvious changes in both the spatial phases and amplitudes, and they conform with actual atmospheric anomalies all the more. When the SSTA forcing locates at the northern (or southern) hemisphere, if we don’t consider the Hadley cell effect, the diabatic forcing can not have a strong atmospheric response in the southern (northern) hemisphere. But when the Hadley cell is considered, the waves from the diabatic forcing can propagate towards the other hemisphere. Furthermore, the seasonal effects on atmospheric response to the diabatic forcing are also discussed


