
Application of Meteorological Satellite Data for Forecasting Medium-range (3—5 days) Rain Storm over the Changjiang River

  • 摘要: 本文运用GMS云图和由极轨气象卫星处理出的射出长波辐射(OLR)候平均资料,在分析和研究1978—1987年间发生在长江上游地区的全部11次强暴雨过程的基础上,概括出了暴雨出现前后的三种云型演变模型图,两类强暴雨出现和不出现的OLR候平均场。揭示了中低纬度地区天气尺度乃至更大尺度系云系统的相互作用,是引起强暴雨过程的重要条件。文中还运用1989年7月上旬长江上游地区罕见的强暴雨过程,对上述结果作了检验,得到了满意的结果。


    Abstract: This paper presents three kinds of evolutionary cloud patterns summarized from GMS images and two kinds of OLR pentad mean fields from POS for the mediumrange rain storm prediction over the upstream reaches of Changjiang river based on the analysis of all eleven cases in the summers from 1978 through 1987. It is revealed that the interaction among the cloud systems of synoptic scales even larger scales over the middle or lower latitude areas is very important condition. In addition, in order to verify the mentioned above, we used the severe rain data in early July 1989. The results are satisfactory


