
Parallel Computing in the T42 Quasi-operational System

  • 摘要: 本文描述了国家气象中心T42同化预报准业务系统中模式计算和后处理在M360-AP的双CPU计算机上实现作业级的多任务并行计算。计算结果表明:采用并行计算技术使日常的5天数值天气预报业务作业至少提前60分钟完成,其加速因子为1.23。


    Abstract: This paper describes that the model and postprocessing calculations are executed parallelly at JOB level on the computer M360-AP with two additional processors in the T42 assimilation forecasting quasi-operational system in the National Meteorological Center (Beijing). The results show that the multitasking parallel computing technique makes 5-day NWP completed at least 60 minutes ahead of time and its speed-up factor is equal to 1.23


