
Determination of Thermal Diffusivity of Soil and Its Application

  • 摘要: 本文应用六种方法,采用四种不同土壤的实测土壤温度梯度,分别计算了其表面热扩散系数,比较分析了每种方法的特点以及计算时对数据数量和精度的要求。结果表明:振幅法、位相法、反正切法和对数法,虽然可提供计算热扩散系数的解析方程,从而使计算简便,数据量少,但要求地温为单纯的正弦波,计算结果不稳定。数值法和调和分析法需应用隐含方程计算,需要数据量较大,但结果稳定可靠。用四种不同表面土壤热扩散系数模拟土壤的温度梯度,与实测值吻合得相当好,标准差小于0.043。本文还模拟了四种土壤条件下的土壤热通量,并与实测值进行了比较,结果也是令人满意的。


    Abstract: In this paper, field measured values of soil temperature in four different soil conditions were used to calculate the apparent diffusivities by use of six methods, and the characteristics of every method and the quantity and quality of data required for calculating the thermal diffusivity of soil were analysed. These results show that four of the six methods (i. e. Amplitud, Phase, Arctangent and Logarithm) provide explicit equations for thermal diffusivities. These explicit equations only need a few measurements of soil temperature, and the calcutations are very simple, but the calculating results are erratic. Although numerical and harmonic methods must use implicit equations to calculate the apparent thermal diffusivities and need a great number of soil temperature data, their estimations are steady and reliable. The temperature gradients of soil simulated by the apparent thermal diffusivities under four different soil conditions were consistent with the field measurements, the standard diviation was less than 0.043. In this paper, that the harmonic method was also used to calculate the heat flux of four soils is with great satisfaction, as compared with the field measurements.


