
Numerical Simulation of a Cyclone over the Jianghuai Area and Its Mesoscale Systems

  • 摘要: 本文在十一层原始方程模式中引入Fritsch-Chappell一维云模式,对1982年5月12日江淮气旋上中尺度系统进行了模拟试验,分析表明:Fritsch-Chappell一维云模式对深厚积云的考虑细致合理,比郭晓岚积云参数化方案优越,它能模拟出中尺度系统的一些特征。通过数值计算发现:中尺度江淮气旋是对流层低层的天气系统,气压场上具有中尺度低压的某些特征;对流天气的出现,使得中尺度江淮气旋得到发展,但这种发展有一个变化过程,在对流发展加强时,对流引起的动量变化以及下沉气流造成的低层冷却作用,使其有一个暂时的减弱过程,当对流运动趋于减弱时,气旋才得以发展。


    Abstract: Fritsch-Chappell’s one dimensional cloud model is introduced and incorporated into 11-layer primitive equation model. The convective parameterization scheme proposed by Kuo (1995) is also incorporated into the model used in this paper. The difference between the two schemes is compared each other in simulating a mesoscale convective process occurred over the Jianghuai area on 12 May 1982. The two numerical simulations indicate that this one dimensional cloud model is better than Kuo’s scheme. This investigation indicates that the mesoscale cyclone is the weather system occurred in planetary boundary layer. The interaction between mesoscale cyclone convection makes the cyclone develop. But in the early period of convection, the development of cyclone is limited by influencing of downdraft and cumulus momentum transport and mixing. When convection comes to depress, the mesoscale cyclone develops


