
Influence of Ocean-continent Distribution in the South Part of Asia on the Formation of Asian Summer Monsoon

  • 摘要: 本文用数值试验方法,研究南亚印度次大陆及印度支那半岛与周围海洋间的海陆分布在亚洲夏季风环流形成过程中的作用。试验表明,不仅亚洲大陆与周围大洋的海陆分布影响夏季亚洲季风的形成,亚洲南部较小尺度的海陆分布也同样影响季风的形成过程;阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾和南海上空季风的强风中心及相应的越赤道气流可由亚洲南部较小尺度的海陆分布引起。


    Abstract: By using the numerical experiment, the influence of thermal contrasts between Africa and Arabian Sea, Indian Subcontinent and Bay of Bengal, Indochina Peninsula and South China Sea on the formation of Asian summer monsoon are studied. The results show that not only the thermal contrast between Asia continent and its surrounding ocean influence the summer monsoon formation, but the thermal contrasts between subplanetary scale ocean and continent mentioned above can also influence the structure of summer monsoon. The velocity centers of southwest monsoon over the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and South China Sea and their cross-equator currents are produced by the effect of thermal contrast.


