
The Spacial Dissipative Structure Solutions Excited by Unstable Disturbance of Benard Thermal Convection

  • 摘要: 本文采用临界摄动方法,讨论了Benard热对流在系统失稳后,引入非线性强迫作用,形成稳定的空间耗散结构解的过程。结果表明,当参数取适当的数值时,垂直及水平速度、温度随高度的变化和在X—Z剖面的流线分布与实验基本一致,且解具有超临界分叉的性质。


    Abstract: In this paper, by means of the critical perturbation method, the formation of the stable solutions of spatial dissipative structure of Benard thermal convection, by incorporating the nonlinear forcing terms into the system after destruction of its equilibrium state, is examined. The results show that when the parameters are suitable values, the vertical and horizontal velocities, temperature change with the height, and the distribution of streamline on X–Z cross-section are basically consistent with the experimental results. The solutions have the characteristic of the supercritical bifurcations


