
A Study of the Relationships Between Optical Constants of Ice and Temperatures in the Spectral Region from the Ultraviolet to the Middle Infrared

  • 摘要: 本文简要地讨论了冰的结构及其光学特性,并应用经典的极化理论研究了冰的光学常数与频谱和温度的关系,计算了从紫外到中红外谱区、在地球大气温度范围内冰的光学常数。对计算结果的分析表明,在高空卷云的散射和辐射传输的理论计算中,温度对云中冰晶光学常数的影响必须考虑。


    Abstract: In the paper, the structure of ice and its optical properties are discussed briefly. The relationships between optical constants of ice and temperatures in different spectral regions are estimated by using the classical polarization theory. Optical constants of ice form the ultraviolet to the middle infrared and in the range of the earth atmosphere temperature are computed. The results show that the influence of temperatures on optical constants of ice crystals of clouds should be considered in the theoretical calculations of scattering and radiative transfer in cirrus clouds


