
The Warming and Propagating Features of the Equatorial Pacific Surface Temperature During El Nino Events

  • 摘要: 本文首先使用标准EOF时间系数主分量的谱分析探讨了赤道太平洋海面温度(EPSST)的长期变化情况,尔后使用CEOF及其恢复场分析了厄尔尼诺过程EPSST的增暖和传播特征。结果表明,按照厄尔尼诺过程的增暖范围,可概括为三类:①中东太平洋增暖型;②整个赤道太平洋增暖型;③东太平洋增暖型。而按厄尔尼诺发展过程的传播特征,也可将其分为三类:①东太平洋增暖西传型;②东西太平洋同时增暖尔后向中太平洋传播型;③西太平洋首先增暖尔后东传型。


    Abstract: In this paper, firstly the features of long variation of the Equatorial Pacific Sea Surface Temperature (EPSST) are probed by use of the spectrum analysis of the principal component of time coefficients from standared EOF. Then the warming and propagating features of EPSST during El Nino events are studied by using the CEOF method. The results show El Nino events have three patterns in the light of their spatial warming range: (1) warming in the central and east Pacific; (2) warming in the whole equatorial Pacific; (3) warming only in the east Pacific. Furthermore, they could also be divided into other three patterns based on the propagating features of EPSST during their development: (1) warming first in the east Pacific, then propagating westward; (2) warming occurring in the east and west Pacific simultaneously, then propagation towards the central Pacific; (3) warming first in the west Pacific, then propagating eastward.


