
The Climatic Characteristics over the Hei He River Experimental Central Area

  • 摘要: 本文统计分析了临泽1967—1981年的月平均气候资料,并与北京1959—1980年的统计资料进行了比较。结果表明:临泽日照时间长,全年日照时间是北京的1.19倍;太阳辐射强,全年太阳总辐射是北京的1.16倍;并且临泽昼夜温差大,地表温度高;降雨量少而分布不均,全年降水量不足北京的1/5;因此,气候干燥,蒸发量大,年蒸发量为北京的1.2倍。本文利用空气动力学方法,分别计算了临泽和北京的月平均动量通量、感热通量、潜热通量,并作了比较。得到1月至11月感热通量、潜热通量临泽均大于北京,而动量通量4月中旬后及11月上旬前临泽大于北京,而1月至4月中旬前,及11月上旬后北京大于临泽。


    Abstract: In this paper, according to the monthly mean climatic data over Linze of Ganshu Province during the period of 1967—1981, and their comparison results with Beijing data during the period of 1959—1980, the results show whether annual insolation duration or total solar radiant heat in Linze is larger by 0.19 and 0.16 time, respectively, than that in Beijing, annual rainfall of Linze is one-fifth less than in Beijing and annual evaporation in Linze is 1.2 times as large as that in Beijing. Subsequently, we also obtain the following results: the sensible and the latent heat flux in Linze is larger than that in Beijing, during the January to November, however, the momentum flux in Beijing is larger than that in Linze from milled ten-day of November to first ten-day of April of next year. In generally, the momentum flux of Linze is larger than that of Beijing.


