
The Kinetic Energy Balance of Two Summer Cyclones over the Changjiang-Huaihe Valley and Its Relations with the Large Scale Circulation

  • 摘要: 本文用准拉格朗日方法计算了两例夏季江淮气旋各个阶段的动能收支及旋转风、辐散风对动能制造项的贡献,并讨论了它们与大尺度环流的关系。主要结论有:(1)气旋区域动能平衡的特点随大尺度环流改变;(2)动能的水平输送取决于气旋和高空急流中心的相对位置;(3)稳定少动的高空急流入(出)口区有较强的旋转风动能制造(消耗),与水平输送项反号,移动快的急流附近,此项数值较小;(4)发展的气旋波,高层和低层有较强的辐散风动能制造;(5)夏季江淮气旋波转化为温带气旋时,高层表现为动能输入,高空急流转为气旋式弯曲。


    Abstract: In this paper, quasi-lagrangian methos is used to calculate the kinetic energy balance and the contribution to the cross contour kinetic energy generation by the rotational and divergent wind components. Their relations with the large scale circulation are also discussed. Main conclusions include: (1) the characteristics of kinetic energy varies according to the large scale circulation; (2) the horizontal transport of kinetic energy is determined by the locations of the cyclone relative to the jet stream; (3) there is large magnitude of kinetic energy generation (destruction) by the rotational wind component near the entrance (exit) region of a stable jet stream; (4) a slowly deepening cyclone wave is associated with significant kinetic energy generation by the divergent wind in the upper and lower layers; (5) the conversion of a summer cyclone wave into a typical extratropical cyclone occurs when an upper level trough with an associated jet stream moves towards the east coast and a large amount of kinetic energy is imported into the cyclone region.


