
Satellite Image Analysis on the Natural Rain Clouds in Gutian, Fujian Province

  • 摘要: 利用GMS-3的红外云图资料对古田地区4—6月份上空的自然云雨资源进行了统计分析。结果表明:锋面系统是最佳的播撒系统,最佳播撒时期在5月份,最佳播撒时段在深夜至清晨,最佳播撒对象是云顶温度介于-28℃~-12℃的云体。


    Abstract: The cloud and precipitation resources over the Gutian area from April to June by using IR cloud images data are statistically analysed. The results indicate that the best seedable weather system is frontal system, the best seeding period is in May, the best operational time is from midnight to early morning and the best target clouds are those with the top temperatures being –28℃ to –12℃.


