
The Error Characteristics of Meteorological Parameters Retrieved from Satellite Remote Sensing Measurements and the Error Simulation Tests

  • 摘要: 首先从理论分析入手,定性地探讨了用气象卫星遥感探测辐射测值反演气象参数的误差特性,进而用同步物理反演法进行了反演误差的数值试验,定量地揭示了反演误差的来源及特性。这些理论分析和数值试验对设计遥感系统、提高反演精度等都具有一定的指导意义。


    Abstract: Based on the error analyses of meteorological satellite remote sensing retrieval system, the error characteristics of meteorological parameters retrieved from satellite remote sensing measurements are described. Under the guidance of the error analyses, a series of simulation tests on the retrieval error are carried out and the error characteristics are revealed quantitatively. These analyses and simulation tests can used as a guidance for designing meteorological satellite remote sensing systems and for improving retrieval accuracy


