
The Relationship of Corn Storage and Transport with Climatological Conditions in Jilin Province

  • 摘要: 通过玉米霉变实验和实地观测资料的统计分析,揭示出玉米发生霉变与气温、空气湿度的关系,结合吉林省和全国的气候资料确定了不同含水量玉米的收购、贮存和外运的适宜期及外运的适宜气候地区。


    Abstract: Based on the statistic analysis of observational and experimental data, the paper reveals that relationship between the vulnerability and air temperature and moisture. According to the climatic data of Jilin Province and all over China the optimum periods for purchase, storage and transport of corn with different water content are established and suitable destination areas in terms of climatic conditions for corn transport are identified


