
Study on the Relation of Geogarphic Conditions Variation and Deviation of Climatic Analogue with the Adaptability of Rice Varieties Introduced

  • 摘要: 利用1973—1983年南方稻区早、熟水稻品比试验等资料,采用统计分析方法,探讨了稻种引种地与原产地海拔高度、纬度差及气候相似距与早、中稻产量变异趋势的关系,得出了判定早、中稻引种的适应性指标和模型。对早、中稻定向引种,提高预见性和成功率具有理论和实用价值。


    Abstract: The rice yield variation due to different geographic elevation and latitude and the deviation of climatic analogue in target area of rice varieties introduction is analysed through statistic method. The standards and schemes for determining the adaptability of rice varieties introduced are presented.


