
Stability of Precipitation Resources in Western China

  • 摘要: 选用中国西部(110°E以西)132个测站、1958—1989年历年各月总降水量资料,通过有关统计量的计算,分析了月总降水量的时空分布及稳定性特征。分析表明,月降水量在东南多、西北少(新疆北多南少),降水量多的地区和季节,降水稳定,干旱区及干季降水少而不稳。


    Abstract: Annual and monthly precipitation data from 132 stations of western China during 1958 to 1989 are used to do some statistical calculation. The characters of spatial and temporal distributions and stabilities for monthly precipitation are estimated. It is found that there is an abundance of monthly precipitation in southeast of western China and few in northwest. In the abundant precipitation areas and seasons, the precipitation is stable, but in the drought areas and seasons, the precipitation is short and unstable.


