The Role of Secondary Circulation in the Initiation and Evolution of Severe Convective Weather
摘要: 利用1983年4月28日发生的一次强对流天气过程的中尺度资料,从与该过程相伴随的冷锋和干锋入手,对背景场强迫出的次级环流进行了细致的诊断分析。结果表明:在位势不稳定能量集中的区域,背景场可以触发强对流。Abstract: The diagnostic research of secondary circulation forced by the background field is made by means of the intensive observation of the severe convective weather process occurred on 28th April, 1983. The data are acquired by the Meso-Scale Weather Experiment of Eastern China. The diagnostic results show that the secondary circulation can trigger off the severe convective weather in the zone of accumulation of geopotential instability energy