
Characteristics of Heating Distribution and Its Influence on the Frontal Maintenance Nearby the Front with Continuous Rain

  • 摘要: 利用锋面客观分析资料计算分析了南岭准静止锋锋面附近加热场的分布特征及非绝热加热锋生(以下简称加热锋生)对锋面维持和锋面移动的作用。结果表明:大尺度凝结加热主要分布在锋区附近,在经向剖面上呈带状分布,并反映锋面结构的中尺度特征。加热的锋生作用不仅对锋面形成和维持是重要的,而且对锋面的移动与准静止也有重要作用。分析还表明,凝结加热的锋生作用不利于南岭静止锋水平稳定层的维持。


    Abstract: The character of heating distribution near the front and the action of diabetic heating frontogenesis on the frontal maintenance and movement are estimated by using the objective data. It is indicated that the large-scale latent heat is distributed mainly along the front with band feature in the meridional vertical profile, and that the meso-scale character of frontal structure is given. According to the computation, the action of heating frontogenesis is important to frontal formation, maintenance and its movement. It is also shown that heating frontogenesis is unfavourable to the maintenance of horizontal stable layer in the quasi-stationary front


