T42 后处理用谱方法进行水平插值的试验方案

A Scheme of Spectral Horizontal Interpolation in T42 Post–processing Procedure

  • 摘要: 应用谱方法进行从高斯网格到规则经纬度网格的水平插值,设计了一个国家气象中心T42业务系统后处理方案。试验结果表明,该方案具有插值精度高,可滤去由垂直插值引起的高于42个波数截断的短波成分等优点。为用户提供更精确的预报值,并可提供下一次资料同化用的初估场。


    Abstract: This paper describes the scheme of the horizontal interpolation from the Gaussian grid to regular latitude/longitude grid by using spectral method in the post—processing procedure of the T42 assimilation forecasting operational system in the National Meteorological Center (Beijing). The results show that the scheme has many advantages such as high interpolation precision and filtrating the short waves caused by the truncation error in the process of vertical interpolation. The scheme can provide more accurate forecasting values for users and first guess field for next assimilation


