
A Study on the Diagnosis System for Orientationally-introduced Rice Varieties and Its Ecoclimatic Pattern

  • 摘要: 介绍了四川水稻定向引种诊断系统(DSIRV)的设计思路,以及建立水稻气候生态、栽培模型的依据和方法。该系统在四川已投入生产应用,其引种诊断成功率达70%以上,比常规品比法进行引种缩短周期2—4年。


    Abstract: Based upon the research of the Diagnosis System for Orientationally-Introduced Rice Varieties (DSIRV) in Sichuan, the principles of the DSIRV design and the methods for establishing a certain number of rice ecoclimate pattern and cultural technique are described in the paper. The results show that the DSIRV gains its success at a rate of more than 70%. And the DSIRV can cut short its whole procedure for introducing of a rice variety by 2 – 4 years less than the period the conventional way takes.


