
Influence of the Change in Solar Radiation on Summer Monsoon Rainfall in Mid—Eastern China and West Africa

  • 摘要: 60年代后期以来,尤其进入80年代,全球气候显著增暖,但从北半球以至我国来看,此种增暖主要出现于冬季,而在盛夏的东亚—西非季风雨带却呈现出明显南移趋势。经严格统计检验并获得数值试验的支持,发现此种南移趋势及伴随的华北和Sahel区雨量的减少,与北半球—我国晴空太阳直接辐射的减少趋势有关。后者的出现是近年来火山活动频繁和大气污染加剧综合作用的结果。


    Abstract: Since the late 1960s, especially during the 1980s, the global climate has warmed up significantly. However, this warming mainly occurs in winter, but the monsoon rain belt over the east Asia/west Africa during high summer shows a trend moving southward. Based on strict statistics with the support of numerical modelling, it is found that such a southwardly shift of the summer monsoon rain belt with less rainfall in North China and Sahel is caused by the decrement of direct solar radiation in the clear skies over the Northern Hemisphere/China. And the radiation decreasing is the result brought out by the increment of volcanic eruptions as well as air pollutants in recent years


