
The Relationship Between Celestial Tide-generating Forces and Activities of Blocking High over the Eastern Asia in Summer

  • 摘要: 通过普查东亚地区夏季阻塞高压活动与天体引潮力的关系,发现东亚阻高的建立、持续和崩溃均与天文奇点引潮力共振有关。贝加尔湖和鄂霍次克海阻高的建立是由于该地区在2—3天内遇到≥3个天文奇点的共振加压(同时没有遇到共振减压)而引起的。其后又接连遇到引潮力共振加压而维持,最后遇共振减压而崩溃。其他地区的一些造成重大天气过程的阻高个例,其活动过程所遇的天文条件,也与此类似。


    Abstract: The relationship between the celestial tide-generating forces and activities of the blocking high over the eastern Asia in the mid summer is described. It is indicated that the formation, persistence and collapse of the blocking high over the eastern Asia is related to the resonance of tide-generating forces concerning with the astronomical singularities. The blocking high in the Baikal Lake and Sea of Ochotsk forms when the resonance pressure-increasing of three or/and more astronomical singularities occurs in two or three days. And then, the high will persist if the resonance pressure-increasing occurs successively. Finally, the collapse is brought out by the resonance pressure-decreasing. Some cases found in other regions, which lead to severe weather processes, are similar to those over the eastern Asia.


