
Ozone Measurement with the Solar and Skylight Spectrophotometer

  • 摘要: 在紫外光谱区,大气臭氧有较丰富的吸收带结构。作者用自制的太阳及天光光度计测量直射阳光、直射月光和曙暮光的紫外吸收光谱,并用带吸收法计算臭氧垂直柱总量及斜程含量。文中介绍了观测和计算方法,并给出北京地区晴朗天气条件下观测的初步结果。


    Abstract: Ozone has intensive absorption in the UV band. By taking in the condition of direct sun, moon, and twilight zenith sky, the UV absorption spectrum is measured with a self–made Solar and Skylight Spectrophotometer. The vertical and slant column amount of ozone is computed by using the method of band absorption. The procedure of measuring and calculating ozone amount is introduced in the paper. Also the preliminary result of ozone under the clear weather condition in Beijing is given here


