
A Theoretical Analysis of Electrostatic Field Change Waveshape Caused Lightning Leader

  • 摘要: 通过对地闪电先导过程静电场变化波形的理论分析指出,先导所致静电场时间变化率dE/dt是一个比静电场变化ΔE更能反映先导传播特性的物理量。利用dE/dt时变曲线可以较精确地确定先导开始位置、接地附近先导传播速度以及接地瞬时的先导电流,同时利用dE/dt极值点的特征可以揭示通道传播过程中倾斜、弯曲特征。


    Abstract: By analyzing theoretically the electrostatic field change of a CG lightning leader process, it is indicated that temporal variation rate of electrostatic field dE/dt caused by leader development is better than net field change △E for characterizing the leader propagation. Starting position of the leader, velocity of leader propagation near the ground and leader instant current when leader reached the ground could be determined by using the time-varying curve of dE/dt. Meawhile, the features of inclination or flexion of lightning channel can be infered from the distribution of extreme value point by the curve of dE/dt versus time.


