TRP 模型及其在航空气象中的应用

The Transnormalized Regression Probability (TRP) Model and Its Application in Aeronautical Meteorological Service

  • 摘要: 通过对有关原始资料,采用等价正态偏差统计处理方法,得到了一系列原始资料与其正态化值之间的正态化转换关系;又通过引进TRP概率模型,建立了南京地区关于低云量和能见度的TRP方程;并在此基础上讨论了TRP模型在航空气象中的应用。


    Abstract: In the paper, an Equivalent Normal Deviate (END) statistical method is introduced in order to process relative data and establish corresponding transnormalized functions by using the climatological data at Nanjing and surrounding five locations and the data of LFM numerical products of NMC in 1986. TRP equations of low cloud cover and visibility at Nanjing are also developed using TRP model. Finally, the applications of TRP model in aeronautical meteorological service are discussed


