
Correction of the Exchange Coefficient on Air—sea Interface in the Tropical Western Pacific

  • 摘要: 在计算海-气感热通量、潜热通量和动量通量时,因气象要素的测量高度不一致而带来的热交换系数cT、蒸发系数cE和摩擦系数 cυ的偏差,给计算结果带来一定的影响。文章介绍一种高度订正方法,对cT、cE、cυ的值加以订正,从而提高了计算准确性。计算结果表明,系数订正后的误差可减小9%—11%。


    Abstract: On calculating heat flux, latent flux and momentum flux, the errors of heat exchange coefficient cT, evaporation coefficient c E, and friction coefficient cv are brought about, owing to the different measure height of meteorological elements, respectively, which will affect the result to a certain extent, In the paper, a method of height correction is introduced in order to amend the coefficients. And, the method will improve the accuracy of calculation. The result shows the errors of coefficient corrected can reduce by a factor of 9% to 11%.


