
The Heating Effects of Irradiance on Rice Leaf Temperature and Its Influence on the Photosynthetic Rate

  • 摘要: 根据人工气候箱试验资料,分析了水稻叶片温度随环境温度、辐射强度的变化规律及辐射增温效应对单叶光—光合曲线的影响;由直角双曲型光合模型模拟了辐射增温效应对叶片光合特征的影响。结果表明,环境温度低于光合的生理适宜温度时,辐射增温效应将使叶片温度升高,从而有利于光合能力的提高;反之则相反。


    Abstract: The variation of rice leaf temperature with ambient air temperature and irradiance intensity imposed on the leaf surface is discussed based on the experimental data in a controlled environment chamber. The heating effects of irradiance on leaf temperature will change the patterns of photosynthetic response to light intensity. According to the rectangular hyperbola photosynthetic model, the rice leaf photosynthetic character in different environment conditions is simulated. The results show that when the air temperature is less than the temperature suitable for photosynthetic physiological process, the heating effects raise the leaf temperature, thereby improving the photosynthetic capacity. Otherwise, the effects are contrary to the results above.


