
An Analysis of the Meso-convective Cloud Clusters in Mei–yu Front

  • 摘要: 本文利用每小时红外增强显示(EIR)和红外(IR)云图,6小时降水量及常规气象资料,对1991年6月12—14日和7月6—7日江淮地区大暴雨过程进行分析,给出了梅雨锋上中尺度对流云团活动的特征(包括生成源地、生命史、移向移速及对流云团生成的几种形式);讨论了中低纬度云系相互作用对暴雨云团发生、发展的重要性;最后概括出中尺度暴雨云团发生、发展的云模型和概念模型。


    Abstract: By using the hourly GMS infrared imagery and conventional meteorological data, an analysis of the meso-convective cloud clusters in the Mei–yu front during the rainstorm period in the reaches of Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers in 1991 is made. It includes the basic characteristics of the meso-convective cloud clusters in the Mei–yu front (such as, source, life cycle, direction and velocity of their movements, and their types of genesis etc.). The importance of the environmental conditions, especially the interaction between the cloud systems of middle and low latitudes for the formation of the meso-convective cloud clusters is discussed. Finally, a cloud model and a conceptual model for the development of meso-convective cloud clusters in the Mei–yu front is given


