1991 年夏暴雨期间Walker 环流和Hadley 环流的特征

Some Features of Walker and Hadley Circulations During the Period of Torrential Rain in 1991

  • 摘要: 该文分析了1991年7月中国江淮暴雨洪水期间赤道太平洋沃克环流及沿115°E哈得莱环流的逐日演变特征。结果发现在暴雨时期赤道东风减弱,西风加强,反哈得莱环流(即季风环流)在中国东部上空加强。在暴雨期间,高低空散度风场的分析指出,在低空出现明显的散度风越赤道气流,而在对流层上部出现散度风的流出。


    Abstract: In this paper, a study on Walker and Hadley circulations over the Yangtze and Huaihe River Valleys in 1991 has been made. The areas for Walker and Hadley circulation analyses are in the Equatorial Pacific and along 115°E, respectively. It is found that the torrential rain and flood in 1991 correspondings to the situations of the weakening easterlies and the strengthening westerlies. An anti-Hadley circulation (i. e. the eastern-Asia monsoon circulation) can also be seen and strengthened over the eastern China. Analyses of divergence wind field indicate that a cross-equatorial current of divergence wind is found in the lower troposphere and out-flow current in the upper troposphere during the torrential rain period


