Experiments of Initial Values Effect on Numerical Weather Forecast for Heavy Rain
摘要: 使用统计插值方案,对1990年11月7—9日和1991年7月27—29日两次暴雨过程,形成几种不同资料源和水平分辨率的客观分析初值。通过三重网格预报模式嵌套计算,探讨初值给于我国东部地区48小时暴雨数值预报的影响。Abstract: In basis of statistical interpolation, the objective analysis initial values from different data sources and horizontal resolutions have been obtained by using the two heavy rain processes during 7―9 November of 1990 and 27―29 July 1991. The influence of these initial values on the 48-hour heavy rain forecast in the eastern China has been discussed by using the numerical simulation of triple nested grid model