1990 年京津冀三次暴雨的分析

An Analysis of Three Cases of Heavy Rains in Jing-Jin-Ji Area of China in 1990

  • 摘要: 本文分析了1990年京津冀地区三次暴雨过程,结果发现:(1)三次暴雨是属于相伴有冷锋的高空槽影响的暴雨;(2)暴雨开始前约10小时雨区的西南方存在湿有效能量高能舌,高能舌的西方和北方有能量和水汽的积聚;(3)对流层低层的锋生和地形对气流的抬升作用是触发暴雨开始的直接原因。


    Abstract: In this article, three cases of heavy rains which occurred in the Jing-Jin-Ji area of China have been analysed. The results show: 1. These heavy rains are affected by the upper trough with cold front. 2. Ten hours before the rains there exist high energy tongues of moist available energy in the southwest of the rain area and the convergence of energy and vapor in the north and west of the high tongues. 3. The frontgenesis of the lower troposphere and the lifting role of the mountain are the direct triggering mechanisms.


