1823 年(清道光三年)我国特大水灾及影响
A Preliminary Investigation of the Floods in 1823 and Their Socioeconomic Impacts in China
摘要: 该文对道光三年(1823年)长江下游与华北的严重洪水概况及其对社会经济的影响作了初步探讨,并对这次洪水发生的原因及灾害形成的机制也作了分析,认为了解这次洪水及其产生的影响对于我国减灾战略的制订有重要参考价值。Abstract: The article gives a tentative description of the serious floods and their socioeconomic impacts in North China and Lower reach Yangtze River basin during the third year of Emperor Dao–guang’s reign (1823) in Qing Dynasty. Also, the article makes effort to analyse this example in causes and mechanism of the disaster formation process, which would be of interest in formulating the disaster mitigation strategies for China