
A Numerical Experiment of the Influence of Underlying Surface on a Short-range Synoptic Process (II)

  • 摘要: 在文献1工作的基础上,利用文献1的个例和模式,研究了局地区域下垫面特征的变化对自身及其领域短期降水和环流的影响,并探讨了可能的影响机理;最后比较了局地区域与大区域下垫面特征相同变化所致的影响差异。


    Abstract: The effect of variation in characteristics of underlying surface for a local region on the short-range precipitation and circulation over the region and its vicinity has been studied by using the same case and model as used in the paper. Furthermore, its possible mechanism and the differences between the effect of variation in characteristics of underlying surface for a local region and that for a wide region are discussed, respectively.


