
Effects of Ambient Wind on the Development of Orographic-convective Cloud

  • 摘要: 通过一个带地形处理的二维弹性对流云数值模式,模拟了斜坡地形上不同的环境风对地形对流云发展的影响。模拟结果表明,环境风场对于地形抬升产生的对流云的发展强度、云体结构以及地面降水等具有重大的影响。当中上层风与爬坡风的方向相反时,环境风切变和中上层风速越大,对流的强度越大;当中上层风和爬坡风方向一致时,环境风切变削弱对流云的最大强度。


    Abstract: The paper simulates the effects of ambient wind on the development of orgraphic-convective cloud by means of a two-dimensional compressible convective cloud model with terrain-following coordinate. The results indicate: Ambient wind has a great influence on the developing intensity, structure and precipitation of orographic-convective cloud over an upslope. When the middle-upper wind and lower upslope wind are in the reverse direction, the large the wind speed and Shear intensity of middle-upper level wind, the severer the convection; when in the identical direction, ambient wind will weaken the maximum intensity of convection.


