推算NOAA AVHRR 1、2通道衰减率的一种方法

A Method for Determining the Sensor Degradation Rates of NOAA AVHRR Channels 1 and 2

  • 摘要: 给出了一种确定NOAA AVHRR可见光(通道1)和近红外(通道2)辐射仪传感器衰减率的方法。首先在中国西部沙漠地区选择38个沙漠目标区(尺度为20 km×20 km),用同一卫星相隔多年的两个不同时期的晴天过境观测资料,建立各自的观测反射率与卫星天顶角的函数关系。通过两个不同时期的函数关系的比较,用逐步回归法确定出传感器的衰减率。用1985年10月与1988年9月NOAA-9 AVHRR资料推算其通道1与通道2的衰减率分别为5.8%/年和4.6%/年。该方法也适用于不同NOAA卫星间的定标归一化。


    Abstract: A method is described to determine the degradation rates of NOAA AVHRR visible channels. 38 desert targets (each 20 km×20 km ) were selected over the northwest of China after testing uniformity of the underlying surface. Two cloudfree data sets for the same satellite were sampled from two different periods several years apart. The functional relationships were established between the observed reflectances and the satellite observation angles. By allowing comparison of the functional relationships of the two different periods and computation of the sensor degradation rates using the stepwise regression method, the degradation rates were detemined to be 5.8% and 4.6% per year for channels 1 and 2, respectively, based on the NOAA-9 AVHRR data for October 1985 and September 1988.


